Professor of Political Science with a Focus on Political Systems in North America
I am a trained political scientist (comparative perspective) and received my PhD in political science from Goethe-Universität (Frankfurt am Main) in 2002. In 2010 I started teaching as a Guestprofessor at the John-F.-Kennedy-Institute for North-American Studies (JFKI) at the Freie Universität Berlin and since 2012 as Professor of Political Science with a focus on Political Systems in North America in the Department of Political Science at the JFKI. I published widely on the topics of inequality, state-market relations, social and health policy, democracy in a transatlantic perspective.
© Georg Lopata/BKK
Areas of Research
I am primarily interested in the topic of income and wealth inequality and how advanced welfare regimes in the transatlantic region try to redistribute economic resources via the tax and transfer system. I just finished a book project titled "The Promise of Equality: Legitimacy and the Boundaries of Democracy"
John-F.-Kennedy-Institute for North American Studies
Lansstrasse 7-9
14195 Berlin
+49 30 83852854